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- /* dfa.h - declarations for GNU deterministic regexp compiler
- Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */
- /* Written June, 1988 by Mike Haertel */
- /* FIXME:
- 2. We should not export so much of the DFA internals.
- In addition to clobbering modularity, we eat up valuable
- name space. */
- #ifndef PARAMS
- # if __STDC__
- typedef void *ptr_t;
- # define PARAMS(x) x
- # else
- typedef char *ptr_t;
- # ifndef const
- # define const
- # endif
- # define PARAMS(x) ()
- # endif
- #endif
- /* Number of bits in an unsigned char. */
- #ifndef CHARBITS
- #define CHARBITS 8
- #endif
- /* First integer value that is greater than any character code. */
- #define NOTCHAR (1 << CHARBITS)
- /* INTBITS need not be exact, just a lower bound. */
- #ifndef INTBITS
- #define INTBITS (CHARBITS * sizeof (int))
- #endif
- /* Number of ints required to hold a bit for every character. */
- /* Sets of unsigned characters are stored as bit vectors in arrays of ints. */
- typedef int charclass[CHARCLASS_INTS];
- /* The regexp is parsed into an array of tokens in postfix form. Some tokens
- are operators and others are terminal symbols. Most (but not all) of these
- codes are returned by the lexical analyzer. */
- typedef enum
- {
- END = -1, /* END is a terminal symbol that matches the
- end of input; any value of END or less in
- the parse tree is such a symbol. Accepting
- states of the DFA are those that would have
- a transition on END. */
- /* Ordinary character values are terminal symbols that match themselves. */
- EMPTY = NOTCHAR, /* EMPTY is a terminal symbol that matches
- the empty string. */
- BACKREF, /* BACKREF is generated by \<digit>; it
- it not completely handled. If the scanner
- detects a transition on backref, it returns
- a kind of "semi-success" indicating that
- the match will have to be verified with
- a backtracking matcher. */
- BEGLINE, /* BEGLINE is a terminal symbol that matches
- the empty string if it is at the beginning
- of a line. */
- ENDLINE, /* ENDLINE is a terminal symbol that matches
- the empty string if it is at the end of
- a line. */
- BEGWORD, /* BEGWORD is a terminal symbol that matches
- the empty string if it is at the beginning
- of a word. */
- ENDWORD, /* ENDWORD is a terminal symbol that matches
- the empty string if it is at the end of
- a word. */
- LIMWORD, /* LIMWORD is a terminal symbol that matches
- the empty string if it is at the beginning
- or the end of a word. */
- NOTLIMWORD, /* NOTLIMWORD is a terminal symbol that
- matches the empty string if it is not at
- the beginning or end of a word. */
- QMARK, /* QMARK is an operator of one argument that
- matches zero or one occurences of its
- argument. */
- STAR, /* STAR is an operator of one argument that
- matches the Kleene closure (zero or more
- occurrences) of its argument. */
- PLUS, /* PLUS is an operator of one argument that
- matches the positive closure (one or more
- occurrences) of its argument. */
- REPMN, /* REPMN is a lexical token corresponding
- to the {m,n} construct. REPMN never
- appears in the compiled token vector. */
- CAT, /* CAT is an operator of two arguments that
- matches the concatenation of its
- arguments. CAT is never returned by the
- lexical analyzer. */
- OR, /* OR is an operator of two arguments that
- matches either of its arguments. */
- ORTOP, /* OR at the toplevel in the parse tree.
- This is used for a boyer-moore heuristic. */
- LPAREN, /* LPAREN never appears in the parse tree,
- it is only a lexeme. */
- RPAREN, /* RPAREN never appears in the parse tree. */
- CSET /* CSET and (and any value greater) is a
- terminal symbol that matches any of a
- class of characters. */
- } token;
- /* Sets are stored in an array in the compiled dfa; the index of the
- array corresponding to a given set token is given by SET_INDEX(t). */
- #define SET_INDEX(t) ((t) - CSET)
- /* Sometimes characters can only be matched depending on the surrounding
- context. Such context decisions depend on what the previous character
- was, and the value of the current (lookahead) character. Context
- dependent constraints are encoded as 8 bit integers. Each bit that
- is set indicates that the constraint succeeds in the corresponding
- context.
- bit 7 - previous and current are newlines
- bit 6 - previous was newline, current isn't
- bit 5 - previous wasn't newline, current is
- bit 4 - neither previous nor current is a newline
- bit 3 - previous and current are word-constituents
- bit 2 - previous was word-constituent, current isn't
- bit 1 - previous wasn't word-constituent, current is
- bit 0 - neither previous nor current is word-constituent
- Word-constituent characters are those that satisfy isalnum().
- The macro SUCCEEDS_IN_CONTEXT determines whether a a given constraint
- succeeds in a particular context. Prevn is true if the previous character
- was a newline, currn is true if the lookahead character is a newline.
- Prevl and currl similarly depend upon whether the previous and current
- characters are word-constituent letters. */
- #define MATCHES_NEWLINE_CONTEXT(constraint, prevn, currn) \
- ((constraint) & 1 << (((prevn) ? 2 : 0) + ((currn) ? 1 : 0) + 4))
- #define MATCHES_LETTER_CONTEXT(constraint, prevl, currl) \
- ((constraint) & 1 << (((prevl) ? 2 : 0) + ((currl) ? 1 : 0)))
- #define SUCCEEDS_IN_CONTEXT(constraint, prevn, currn, prevl, currl) \
- (MATCHES_NEWLINE_CONTEXT(constraint, prevn, currn) \
- && MATCHES_LETTER_CONTEXT(constraint, prevl, currl))
- /* The following macros give information about what a constraint depends on. */
- #define PREV_NEWLINE_DEPENDENT(constraint) \
- (((constraint) & 0xc0) >> 2 != ((constraint) & 0x30))
- #define PREV_LETTER_DEPENDENT(constraint) \
- (((constraint) & 0x0c) >> 2 != ((constraint) & 0x03))
- /* Tokens that match the empty string subject to some constraint actually
- work by applying that constraint to determine what may follow them,
- taking into account what has gone before. The following values are
- the constraints corresponding to the special tokens previously defined. */
- #define NO_CONSTRAINT 0xff
- /* States of the recognizer correspond to sets of positions in the parse
- tree, together with the constraints under which they may be matched.
- So a position is encoded as an index into the parse tree together with
- a constraint. */
- typedef struct
- {
- unsigned index; /* Index into the parse array. */
- unsigned constraint; /* Constraint for matching this position. */
- } position;
- /* Sets of positions are stored as arrays. */
- typedef struct
- {
- position *elems; /* Elements of this position set. */
- int nelem; /* Number of elements in this set. */
- } position_set;
- /* A state of the dfa consists of a set of positions, some flags,
- and the token value of the lowest-numbered position of the state that
- contains an END token. */
- typedef struct
- {
- int hash; /* Hash of the positions of this state. */
- position_set elems; /* Positions this state could match. */
- char newline; /* True if previous state matched newline. */
- char letter; /* True if previous state matched a letter. */
- char backref; /* True if this state matches a \<digit>. */
- unsigned char constraint; /* Constraint for this state to accept. */
- int first_end; /* Token value of the first END in elems. */
- } dfa_state;
- /* Element of a list of strings, at least one of which is known to
- appear in any R.E. matching the DFA. */
- struct dfamust
- {
- int exact;
- char *must;
- struct dfamust *next;
- };
- /* A compiled regular expression. */
- struct dfa
- {
- /* Stuff built by the scanner. */
- charclass *charclasses; /* Array of character sets for CSET tokens. */
- int cindex; /* Index for adding new charclasses. */
- int calloc; /* Number of charclasses currently allocated. */
- /* Stuff built by the parser. */
- token *tokens; /* Postfix parse array. */
- int tindex; /* Index for adding new tokens. */
- int talloc; /* Number of tokens currently allocated. */
- int depth; /* Depth required of an evaluation stack
- used for depth-first traversal of the
- parse tree. */
- int nleaves; /* Number of leaves on the parse tree. */
- int nregexps; /* Count of parallel regexps being built
- with dfaparse(). */
- /* Stuff owned by the state builder. */
- dfa_state *states; /* States of the dfa. */
- int sindex; /* Index for adding new states. */
- int salloc; /* Number of states currently allocated. */
- /* Stuff built by the structure analyzer. */
- position_set *follows; /* Array of follow sets, indexed by position
- index. The follow of a position is the set
- of positions containing characters that
- could conceivably follow a character
- matching the given position in a string
- matching the regexp. Allocated to the
- maximum possible position index. */
- int searchflag; /* True if we are supposed to build a searching
- as opposed to an exact matcher. A searching
- matcher finds the first and shortest string
- matching a regexp anywhere in the buffer,
- whereas an exact matcher finds the longest
- string matching, but anchored to the
- beginning of the buffer. */
- /* Stuff owned by the executor. */
- int tralloc; /* Number of transition tables that have
- slots so far. */
- int trcount; /* Number of transition tables that have
- actually been built. */
- int **trans; /* Transition tables for states that can
- never accept. If the transitions for a
- state have not yet been computed, or the
- state could possibly accept, its entry in
- this table is NULL. */
- int **realtrans; /* Trans always points to realtrans + 1; this
- is so trans[-1] can contain NULL. */
- int **fails; /* Transition tables after failing to accept
- on a state that potentially could do so. */
- int *success; /* Table of acceptance conditions used in
- dfaexec and computed in build_state. */
- int *newlines; /* Transitions on newlines. The entry for a
- newline in any transition table is always
- -1 so we can count lines without wasting
- too many cycles. The transition for a
- newline is stored separately and handled
- as a special case. Newline is also used
- as a sentinel at the end of the buffer. */
- struct dfamust *musts; /* List of strings, at least one of which
- is known to appear in any r.e. matching
- the dfa. */
- };
- /* Some macros for user access to dfa internals. */
- /* ACCEPTING returns true if s could possibly be an accepting state of r. */
- #define ACCEPTING(s, r) ((r).states[s].constraint)
- /* ACCEPTS_IN_CONTEXT returns true if the given state accepts in the
- specified context. */
- #define ACCEPTS_IN_CONTEXT(prevn, currn, prevl, currl, state, dfa) \
- SUCCEEDS_IN_CONTEXT((dfa).states[state].constraint, \
- prevn, currn, prevl, currl)
- /* FIRST_MATCHING_REGEXP returns the index number of the first of parallel
- regexps that a given state could accept. Parallel regexps are numbered
- starting at 1. */
- #define FIRST_MATCHING_REGEXP(state, dfa) (-(dfa).states[state].first_end)
- /* Entry points. */
- /* dfasyntax() takes two arguments; the first sets the syntax bits described
- earlier in this file, and the second sets the case-folding flag. */
- extern void dfasyntax PARAMS ((reg_syntax_t, int));
- /* Compile the given string of the given length into the given struct dfa.
- Final argument is a flag specifying whether to build a searching or an
- exact matcher. */
- extern void dfacomp PARAMS ((char *, size_t, struct dfa *, int));
- /* Execute the given struct dfa on the buffer of characters. The
- first char * points to the beginning, and the second points to the
- first character after the end of the buffer, which must be a writable
- place so a sentinel end-of-buffer marker can be stored there. The
- second-to-last argument is a flag telling whether to allow newlines to
- be part of a string matching the regexp. The next-to-last argument,
- if non-NULL, points to a place to increment every time we see a
- newline. The final argument, if non-NULL, points to a flag that will
- be set if further examination by a backtracking matcher is needed in
- order to verify backreferencing; otherwise the flag will be cleared.
- Returns NULL if no match is found, or a pointer to the first
- character after the first & shortest matching string in the buffer. */
- extern char *dfaexec PARAMS ((struct dfa *, char *, char *, int, int *, int *));
- /* Free the storage held by the components of a struct dfa. */
- extern void dfafree PARAMS ((struct dfa *));
- /* Entry points for people who know what they're doing. */
- /* Initialize the components of a struct dfa. */
- extern void dfainit PARAMS ((struct dfa *));
- /* Incrementally parse a string of given length into a struct dfa. */
- extern void dfaparse PARAMS ((char *, size_t, struct dfa *));
- /* Analyze a parsed regexp; second argument tells whether to build a searching
- or an exact matcher. */
- extern void dfaanalyze PARAMS ((struct dfa *, int));
- /* Compute, for each possible character, the transitions out of a given
- state, storing them in an array of integers. */
- extern void dfastate PARAMS ((int, struct dfa *, int []));
- /* Error handling. */
- /* dfaerror() is called by the regexp routines whenever an error occurs. It
- takes a single argument, a NUL-terminated string describing the error.
- The default dfaerror() prints the error message to stderr and exits.
- The user can provide a different dfafree() if so desired. */
- extern void dfaerror PARAMS ((const char *));